Over the course of your ownership or lease term, your Mazda key fob battery may descend into the depths of problematic performance. You might find yourself trying to unlock the car from far away and have to get super close to achieve your intended function or, even worse, having to click away into oblivion on a dead “open trunk” button. Because you’ll use your Mazda key fob battery so often as you speed through life, it may eventually need to be replaced as the miles pile up.
If you’re concerned about your Mazda key fob battery life in Fort Lauderdale, FL, come visit the talented team of technicians we always have on deck at our all-in-one car dealership and car-care center. Don’t panic if your Mazda key fob battery is starting to show signs of wearing out or if you need a replacement. This squad of passionate car geeks has always got your back when it comes to anything related to your Mazda sedan, SUV, or sports car model.
Before you start any adjustments to anything car-related, be sure to read your vehicle manual. Though the process can be fairly similar, there may be some unique steps to replacing the Mazda3 key fob battery, for example, as opposed to the sedan model Mazda6 key fob battery or the SUV model Mazda CX-5 key fob battery.
In general, the process begins by pressing down on the knob on the back of the key fob to remove the auxiliary key. This will open the door for a flathead screwdriver to do most of the work. Insert the flathead screwdriver into the opening created by removing the key. Then loosen until you can remove the cover. After this, remove the round battery cap and the dead Mazda key fob battery beneath it. Make sure the rubber ring that holds the battery in place doesn’t come off, but if it does, secure it back in place in advance of the new Mazda key fob battery.
Take your new Mazda key fob battery and insert it into the key fob within the rubber ring with the positive side facing skyward toward the top of the key fob. After replacing your battery cap and key cover and reinserting the auxiliary key, you should be ready to roll.
Press the buttons and you should experience the full function of your Mazda key fob battery.
If you run into more problems or these steps don’t produce their intended result, come into our service center today, and we’ll set your Mazda key fob battery straight. If necessary, we’ll include a quick lesson on how to reset the Mazda service light as well, since that can come in handy out on the road.
We get questions from seasoned veteran drivers all the time regarding limited function on their time-worn Mazda key fob battery. Whether you are coming in for an oil change, have recently noticed less function on your Mazda key fob battery, or just want to be ready when trouble strikes, we’ve got everything you need to know. Here are some of the questions our technicians field most often at our service center.
Use the key within the fob to start your car if your key fob runs out of battery. You can insert the traditional key into the driver-side door and turn it to manually unlock the door. From there, you can unlock the entire car and get back out on the road.
Push to start may be a tougher task, but it can be achieved in some models with a dead key fob. Press down on your car’s brake and simultaneously press the Mazda symbol that’s located near the top of your key fob into the push start button on your Mazda vehicle. If pulled off correctly with the properly equipped model, a small chip inside the key fob will connect to the vehicle and start up the car’s engine.
Replacing the battery in your Mazda key fob battery is as easy as using the first process outlined above. It’s fairly inexpensive and can be fixed quickly without too much of a dent in your wallet. Replacing the entire fob, though not required to start or unlock/lock your car, can be achieved easily at an official Mazda dealership. They’ll be able to replace your dead or ineffective key fob with a fully up-to-date, brand-new key fob. If you crack your key fob open after dropping it or find that it’s just not doing all that it should, give our technicians a visit. The outstanding minds and skilled hands in our car-service center will have you back in the driver’s seat with a new Mazda key fob battery, lickety-split.
Though the process may vary according to Mazda key fob battery size, most key fobs can be opened with a flathead screwdriver. As always, review the details on your Mazda-vehicle manual before proceeding. Opening a Mazda key fob is a fairly straightforward process that local drivers can complete themselves. But if you do need assistance with your Mazda key fob battery, we’re just a quick call or a visit away, and we’d be happy to assist.
A Mazda key fob battery that is faulty can be annoying. If you would like some assistance from local car experts that know each and every inch of every Mazda model, come on down! You’re in the right place. We’ll take care of any and all mishaps in association with your Mazda key fob battery and get you moving onto the next task in no time.
Our team will step up to the plate if you need to order Mazda parts as well. There are no parts left behind in our parts archive. If it goes in or on your Mazda model, we’ll get it for you.
Our Mazda key fob battery service is just another way we support and say thank you to all of those in our area that have chosen to become a part of our Mazda cars family. We’re proud to know that for local drivers, there’s only one place in Fort Lauderdale, FL, they go to when they have a car problem: Gunther Mazda.
Check out our tire-service center as well for all your tire-related needs. You can never pay too much attention to the only layer between your vehicle and the roads it drives on. Our team is proud to be multi-faceted and full of comprehensive car care up and down our lineup of services. Each day, our team goes above and beyond to help fix every car they see and bring peace of mind to the driver behind the wheel of that newly-serviced car. We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you in.